Mudanças entre as edições de "Criando Kernel RT Ubuntu 14.04"

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Linha 59: Linha 59:
  make install
  make install
  cd ..
  cd ..
ln -s linux-4.1.5 linux
Update the bootloader (probably grub) if not done automatically.
Update the bootloader (probably grub) if not done automatically.

Edição das 13h34min de 30 de novembro de 2017

Todas as informacoes aqui foram retiradas de:

Testado com o Ubuntu 14.04.1

This guide is a condensed reference on how to patch, compile and install the 4.1.5. kernel.

Download kernel and patch:

use sudo mode:

sudo su
cd /home/car01/Downloads

Extract kernel archive and patch file:

tar -Jxf linux-4.1.5.tar.xz
gzip -d patch-4.1.5-rt5.patch.gz

Put the patch file one directory level above the kernel source.

mv linux-4.1.5 /usr/src
cp patch-4.1.5-rt5.patch /usr/src

Change directory to the newly created kernel source directory

cd /usr/src/linux-4.1.5

Apply the patch to the kernel.

less ../patch-4.1.5-rt5.patch | patch -p1

Get the latest configuration of new kernel

make oldconfig

The make will ask some questions, answer with the default option, EXCEPT the options about real time and debug mode. When asked for:

  • "Preemption Model"
    • Choose "5. Fully Preemptible Kernel (RT) (PREEMPT_RT_FULL) (NEW)"
  • "Debug preemptible kernel (DEBUG_PREEMPT)"
    • Choose "n"

Open up the kernel configuration tool:

make menuconfig

To configure the IP_TABLES NAT support:

On the Kernel Configuration go to:
 Networking support > Networking Options > Network packet filtering framework (Netfilter) > IP: Netfilter Configuration
 Find the options listed below and mark with <M>
 	<M> IP tables support (required for filtering/masq/NAT) 
 Other options will apear:
	<M> MASQUERADE target support
	<M> NETMAP tarrget support
	<M> REDIRECT target support
 save and exit

Build and install the kernel:

make -j 24
make -j 24 modules
make -j 24 INSTALL_MOD_STRIP=1 modules_install
make install
cd ..

Update the bootloader (probably grub) if not done automatically.

restart the computer.

Check if the iptables_nat is working:

iptables -t nat -L
 If shows the following error:
   iptables v1.4.21: can't initialize iptables table `nat': Table does not exist (do you need to insmod?)
   Perhaps iptables or your kernel needs to be upgraded.
Back to the step of menu configuration tool:make menuconfig and check the iptables options. If is ok, try the solution:
     cd /usr/src/linux-4.1.5
     sudo make menuconfig
  Go to menu Networking Support > Networking Options > Network packet filtering framework (Netfilter)
  and press spacebar to mark with star
  Entry in this menu and go to Core Netfilter Configuration. Fill all options with M EXCEPT the options 
  below that should be filled with star :
	"Netfilter connection tracking support", 
	"Connection tracking flow accounting", 
	"Connection mark tracking support", 
	"Connection tracking security mark support", 
	"Connection tracking events" and 
	"Netfilter Xtables support (required for ip_tables)"
   And the option "Enable obsolete /proc/net/ipt_recent" doesn't should be filled.
   Save changes and exit. 
  BACK TO THE '''Build and install the kernel''' STEP in this tutorial.

If you are using RAID and partition isn't recognized, install the package and reboot:

sudo apt-get install dmraid

Install Nvidia Graphics Driver (352.41) for the Realtime Kernel

After installing the realtime kernel as described above, Nvidia graphics card owners will probably want
 to install the official graphics driver from Nvidia (if you're using Ardour you're going to need this driver 
 to get smooth GUI performance). Unfortunately, the installer will just complain about the realtime kernel and
 quit. With some tweaks it is possible to install it nevertheless. This article describes the installation of the
 Nvidia driver version 352.41. For different versions you will need a different patch file or perform the patch manually.

 Warning: I found that the driver sometimes locks itself up on my system, leading to a frozen image.
 If 100% stability is a requirement for you, you should not install it. During the installation you will 
 need to stop your desktop session so consider printing this guide or open it up on a different device.

Go ahead if you're ready:

Download the driver package from your local nvidia page:

Make a patch file as follows:


Open a console and change directory to the folder where you downloaded the driver package to.

Make the driver package executable:

chmod +x

Extract the driver source:

./ --extract-only

Apply the patch file:

less nvidia-352.41-rt.patch | patch NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-352.41/kernel/nv-linux.h

Press Ctrl+Alt+F1 to open up a terminal session and login as root to stop your X Sever. If you're using XFCE (UbuntuStudio) this is LightDM. Beware that this kills all programs running in the GUI session, including the browser you might be reading this article in:

/etc/init.d/lightdm stop

Set this environment variable to disable the a check for the realtime kernel patch in the installer:


Change directory to the folder where the nvidia driver source was extracted to. Run the installer just like you normally would:


Restart your desktop manager:

/etc/init.d/lightdm start

Check if the driver was install correctly, deve mostrar as informações da placa de video

$ nvidia-settings

Your system should now use the freshly installed driver!

If you want to adapt this process for a different driver version, you will need to take a look what the patch actually
 does and make those changes to the nv-linux.h file manually. If you do so, it would be very nice of you to create a new patch 
 file and post it here in the comments. Of course, there's no guarantee that this will work for newer driver versions.

Para instalar o cuda siga as instruções do Getting_Started:

Use o instador .run

Na instalação vai aparecer algumas perguntas, Siga essas respostas.

Install NVIDIA Accelerated Graphics Driver for Linux-x86_64 340.29? ((y)es/(n)o/(q)uit): n
Install the CUDA 6.5 Toolkit? ((y)es/(n)o/(q)uit): y
Enter Toolkit Location [ default is /usr/local/cuda-6.5 ]: 
Do you want to install a symbolic link at /usr/local/cuda? ((y)es/(n)o/(q)uit): y
Install the CUDA 6.5 Samples? ((y)es/(n)o/(q)uit): y
Enter CUDA Samples Location [ default is /home/car01 ]: 


Possíveis problemas

Error NVRM/VGA com o driver da nvidia:

use o comando: sudo dmesg | tail Se ocorrer os seguintes erros:

[   15.458823] NVRM: Your system is not currently configured to drive a VGA console
[   15.458830] NVRM: on the primary VGA device. The NVIDIA Linux graphics driver
[   15.458834] NVRM: requires the use of a text-mode VGA console. Use of other console
[   15.458838] NVRM: drivers including, but not limited to, vesafb, may result in
[   15.458841] NVRM: corruption and stability problems, and is not supported.

Adicione a seguinte linha no arquivo /boot/grub/grub.cfg ao fim da linha do kernel

video=vesa:off vga=normal


menuentry 'Ubuntu' --class ubuntu...


linux /boot/vmlinuz-4.1.5-rt5 root=UUID=f5a99a1a-15a4-4a83-a3fb-2adbee7f8311 ro quiet splash $vt_handoff video=vesa:off vga=normal


verificar nesse link

Erro na resolução do monitor. Entre na configurações da nvidia como super usuário

$ sudo nvidia-settings 

Em X Server Display Configuration, restaure a configuração do X server clicando no botão de "Reset". Após isso reinicie a maquina.

Feito isso, volte na mesma aba da nvidia-settings. Verifique no campo "Selection" se o aparece o seu monitor. Depois mude a resolução do monitor para uma configuração maior e salve a configuração em "Save to X Configuration File".